Hannah Palma

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Keep Moving

I woke up with Lake Superior water dried in my hair.

Yesterday’s leap into release–

Release of a summer

Of patterns

Of stagnant energy.

An Eagle witnessing us drown our souls in rejuvenation–

Putting all else to rest.

Getting up each day requires a sort of bravery–

A jump of movement, of positive self-talk.

Why do we get up?

How do we gather ourselves from the depths, and find the motivation to keep moving?

Excitement and monotony looped into one, my friends.

It’s in the dear faces of those we love,

The daily routines that leave us with their kiss of a refreshing “You got this,”

And the moments you are internally and externally AWAKE for.

Intentionally dispersing these in my life opens my eyes to a world of magic–

Inside and outside of myself,

Which in turn grants me that bravery, that precious bravery.

Keep moving.