Hannah Palma

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Magic Begets Magic

Magic is all around us.

It’s in the incredible friends that cross your path to help you navigate life.
It’s the way your child looks deeply into your eyes with such love and acceptance.
It’s the light at daybreak and dusk.
It’s the animals that appear to you when you least expect it.
It’s a song that cuts straight to your soul.
It’s in a deep breath and a sigh,
A moonrise and a galaxy of stars.
It’s in the last words of a loved one,
And the first breath of a new one.

It’s all around us if we just look and notice.
The more magic we look for, the more we find.
Pretty soon our life will be consumed by magic (even the hard), because we will be open with a trust that this crazy life works together in strange ways, and parts that don’t appear as, will surely come back around. 💫

Magic begets magic, so let’s keep looking.